The Impact of Respite on Families who Experience Disability
Finding Rest at Jill’s House: The Impact of Respite on Families Who Experience Disability
There has never been any doubt that the services we provide at Jill’s House make a meaningful difference in the lives of the families we are honored to love and serve. Over the past fourteen years, we’ve heard countless stories of transformation. However, it can be challenging to precisely measure that impact, fully understand its implications, and use that knowledge to improve how we serve our families.
Thankfully, a team of researchers at the Baylor Center for Developmental Disabilities at Baylor University, led by Dr. Erik Carter, has helped us take a closer look. We’re excited to finally be able to share the findings of this independent, rigorous study, “Finding Rest at Jill’s House: The Impact of Respite on Families Who Experience Disability.”
The purpose of this study was to have people with true expertise take an independent, rigorous look at Jill’s House to help us learn more about our Jill’s House families and their experiences with us so that we can better serve them. We also wanted to better understand the impact of the services we provide, so that we can better allocate our resources to do what is most effective. And we wanted to know where we might be falling short so that we can make progress in those areas. Last but certainly not least, we hope that this report will help inspire others (individuals, organizations, congregations, etc.) to come alongside us as we seek to love and serve families of children with disabilities.
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