The Nelson Family

As told by Christopher Nelson, Emily’s Dad


Anytime something is thrown at us or spilled on me, I stop and laugh, “Alright, God, I probably had that coming!” In some subtle way, albeit sometimes messy, it’s a reminder for me to not be angry or too serious and just enjoy life. I’m so grateful that God chose me to be Emily’s dad, and I’ll take whatever days God gives me!

Emily has her mother’s straight hair and my love for ‘80s and ‘90s music! Emily sticks close to her mom, but she knows I’m always ready for her when she is hungry for a snack or looking for some fun. If you were to drive through our neighborhood, you might catch Emily and me cruising around in our golf cart. I’m sure it’s a funny sight. This big burly guy cruising in a golf cart while Emily’s favorite song is playing over the speakers, “Girls Just Want to Have Fun,” by Cyndi Lauper. Cruising around on the golf cart while listening to her favorite music playing, with her hair blowing in the wind, is one of Emily’s favorite things.

Emily was born in March 2003 and was diagnosed with Microcephaly when she was an infant. We were told that she would be epileptic, and sure enough, she had her first seizure in 2004. She was in and out of the hospital with bad bouts of epilepsy. I wouldn’t wish that experience on any parent. You feel helpless when your child has a seizure, and you can’t do anything about it. I’m a Gulf War Vet, but those moments when Emily was experiencing a seizure were the worst moments of my life.

By 2013, when Emily was ten years old, our doctor said, “I know this is scary, Mom and Dad, but we want Emily to have an opportunity to be medication-free.” Our doctor wanted to wean Emily off the medications that were keeping her from having seizures. It was scary! But by the grace of God, she hasn’t had a seizure since then.

We found out about Jill’s House when Emily was 14 years old. She has since aged out of the program, but she was able to enjoy weekends at Jill’s House for three years. We will forever be grateful for how Jill’s House lovingly cared for our daughter. We always knew she was being cared for and in a great place! At drop-off time, we were relaxed, and she would eagerly walk into Jill’s House. At pick-up time, although she was excited to see us, she would continue to look over her shoulder as if to say, “I want to stay!” For someone who didn’t say a lot, her actions spoke volumes!

Although Emily no longer attends Jill’s House, I still connect with other dads of Jill’s House kids. The camaraderie we find in Christ and the ways we are being fortified as men and fathers mean so much!

I pray for the most fulfilled, safest life possible for Emily. She knows no hatred. She knows no fear. Other than the fear of not having enough french fries. She loves french fries! But I wish people could live like her. What gets me is that God chose me to be her dad! Anytime something is thrown at us or spilled on me, I stop and laugh, “Alright, God, I probably had that coming!” In some subtle way, albeit sometimes messy, it’s a reminder for me to not be angry or too serious and just enjoy life. I’m so grateful that God chose me to be Emily’s dad, and I’ll take whatever days God gives me!