The Adams-Nagel Family

As told by Jan Adams

“Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5

Nico was born in Guatemala and entered our family through adoption when he was 6 months old. We were excited to welcome a baby into the world, but when we couldn’t conceive a child naturally or through multiple fertility treatments, we knew that adoption would be how our family would grow. Our process of adoption from Guatemala was so uncommon and totally orchestrated by God. Our names were added to a list, and we were emailed pictures and details of children seeking a forever home. For several months we received emails from the listserv, then in March 2007, we received an email with a picture of the sweetest little one-month-old baby boy. We knew instantaneously that we wanted to meet him and bring him home! We arranged to visit Guatemala and meet him in July 2007, and he came home with us on a Medical Emergency VISA in August 2007.

Nico was very ill. He was medically fragile and needed urgent care which we located in the DC area before we brought him home. He was born with severe pulmonic stenosis and had his first surgery within days of being home. He was diagnosed with failure to thrive and had plagiocephaly which required 4 rounds of Doc Band treatments. He received OT to help with the formation and use of his mouth as well as PT due to his hypotonia.  He is on the Autism spectrum.  He has hearing loss and wears bilateral hearing aids, and significant vision loss so he wears corrective lenses. Nico has Noonan Syndrome and femoral anteversion as well.

I had to leave my career in telecommunications in 2007 because I was taking Nico to 7-9 appointments a week. I fought, and still fight for Nico to receive the best care, services, and opportunities to thrive.

Before we adopted Nico, we used to volunteer with Access Ministries (a ministry for children with special needs) at McLean Bible Church. In fact, as a volunteer at MBC, I cared for Lon and Brenda Solomon’s daughter, Jill, whom Jill’s House is named after!  We remember the years of preliminary work that were so instrumental in building Jill’s House. God was working in and through our lives in preparation for Nico, long before he was even born!

When Nico turned 6 years old, we were excited to register him at Jill’s House. With no family to help in the area and having a special needs child that made staying with a typical sitter or overnight with a friend, a non-option, Jill’s House was THE OPTION.

We met and trusted the staff so much, and I knew they would love and care for him as I did. Jill’s House was going to provide Nico with his very own experiences and opportunities. Eleven years later, we have wonderful caregivers who have been a part of Nico’s life and will never be forgotten.

Between scheduling doctors’ appointments, communications with Nico’s education team (teachers, therapists, specialists), maintaining the care schedule at home, and managing my full-time work, it is hard to relax. I am also a single mom, so there’s hardly ever a moment I am fully relaxed. But the school nights when Nico is at Jill’s House are a huge blessing! It is nice to have a break during the week when I don’t have to think about meals or the schedule, I can unwind, or work a few extra hours if I need to. Those nights are such a gift. But truly, the gift is for Nico. Where else would a kid have the opportunity to swim in an indoor pool before dinner on a school night?!

Nico thrives with a schedule and when he knows what to expect. When the Jill’s House bus arrives at school, he is excited to climb on and greet his friends, and he anticipates all the fun he’ll have when they arrive at Jill’s House. At Jill’s House, Nico gets to build relationships with kids and have fun with the staff and volunteers. Jill’s House staff and volunteers treat him like a typical child. They treat him with honor and respect, and the special child he is!

Our life is very complicated! So overnight respite is truly what I need. Jill’s House helps me to relax. There are very few places where Nico feels comfortable, safe, and loved unconditionally. Jill’s House is one that truly gives me the freedom to pause, breathe, and relax.