Faithful Volunteers: The Heart of Jill’s House 

At Jill’s House, we exist to provide rest, renewal, and relationships for families raising young people with intellectual disabilities. Through our overnight respite programs, young people experience adventure, joy, and connection, while their parents receive the priceless gift of rest. But none of this would be possible without the unwavering dedication of our volunteers.

In our Chicago-area location, nestled in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, a remarkable group of volunteers has been quietly and consistently giving their time, energy, and love to the young people and families we serve. These individuals don’t just stop by for a few hours—they dedicate entire weekends, from Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon, ensuring that every young person at Jill’s House feels celebrated, cherished, and free to be themselves.

But their impact goes far beyond supervision.

They run, laugh, and play alongside our guests. They encourage them to try new things, celebrate their victories, and offer comfort when needed. They cheer them on as they zip-line through the trees, guide them through creative projects, and share meals with warmth and kindness. They don’t just care for these young people—they show up for them, weekend after weekend, year after year.

And their dedication is extraordinary.

One volunteer has given nineteen weekends over the past several years to be part of this experience. Others have devoted ten, eleven, fourteen, and even seventeen weekends—amounting to hundreds of hours spent pouring love, laughter, and encouragement into the young people we serve. They have sacrificed time with their own families so that another family could rest, recharge, and experience peace.

As a small token of appreciation, we recently gifted these volunteers matching Jill’s House sweatshirts—a symbol of our deep gratitude for the countless moments of joy they’ve created. But we know that no gift, no words, could ever truly express the impact they’ve had.

Because of them, young people who may struggle to fit in elsewhere feel welcomed, celebrated, and embraced. Parents who carry the weight of round-the-clock caregiving finally get a moment to breathe, rest, and reconnect with their other children, knowing their loved one is in safe, loving hands.

We Can’t Do This Without You

To our volunteers: Thank you. Thank you for every smile, every encouraging word, every extra proverbial mile walked. Thank you for every game played, every song sung, every meal shared, and every act of kindness. You are the heart of Jill’s House.

But the reality is, we need more people like you.

Jill’s House exists because people choose to give—whether through time, resources, or financial support. Every young person deserves a place where they are celebrated, and every parent deserves a moment to rest.

Will you be part of this life-changing mission?

When you give to Jill’s House, you make it possible for a family to experience renewal and for a young person to experience a weekend of joy. Your generosity ensures that more families find peace, more young people are embraced, and more lives are transformed.

Be the reason a family finds rest. Be the reason a young person finds joy.

The Card Family

Jill’s House has been our saving grace!!

McKenna, now 13 years old, has been enjoying the love and care of Jill’s House for seven wonderful years. The quarterly weekend visits, day camps, and school night program have become a cherished part of her life and ours. It’s a space that brings her immense joy and provides her with opportunities to engage in activities she loves, which can be hard to find for someone with her unique needs.

McKenna is non-ambulatory, non-verbal, and has sensory processing challenges, which make social settings particularly overwhelming for her. These challenges don’t just affect her; they ripple through our family life. Socializing, spending time with neighbors, or building new friendships often feels out of reach because McKenna can easily become overstimulated. This is why Jill’s House is such a blessing—not only for her but for all of us. While McKenna is at Jill’s House, we savor the rare opportunity to connect as a family in ways that aren’t always possible. Whether it’s going out to dinner, catching up with friends, or planning a special sleepover for McKenna’s brother, the time is precious and deeply restorative.

Though McKenna is non-verbal, she’s incredibly expressive, and her excitement for Jill’s House is unmistakable. She literally screams with joy when it’s time to go. After each of her visits she loves sharing her Jill’s House report with her classmates at school. It’s a source of pride for her and a way to connect with her peers.

McKenna’s love for Jill’s House extends to the activities she enjoys most there. She adores the water, so pool days are always a highlight. She also thrives on movement, whether it’s swinging on the playground or exploring the indoor play spaces. Even at home, she finds joy in watching the Jill’s House YouTube channel and Instagram stories. Her smiles while watching those videos speak volumes about how much she treasures her time there.

Jill’s House is more than just a place; it’s a safe, nurturing, and comforting sanctuary that blesses our entire family. It’s a rare and invaluable resource that we don’t take for granted. The care and love McKenna receives there have made a profound difference in her life and ours. We are deeply grateful for Jill’s House and the impact it has had on our journey.

The Anderson-Page Family

Told by Pam Anderson

Born on the 25th of December 2007, Steven was a Christmas baby. He was placed with us when he was merely 6 months old. He was such a tiny baby—weighing only 6 lbs. when he arrived. Back then, I never could have imagined how radically he would change my life. He may not be my biological child, but I think of him as a precious gift.

At 9 months old, Steven was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, and we were able to get him into early intervention services. He went on to see different therapists and doctors. Over these last 2 years, he has had to undergo several surgeries. He has had bilateral hip surgery on both hips, developed contractures, has had to have surgery on one leg, and is about to have his other leg operated on this summer. He can no longer use a walker and is now primarily bound to a wheelchair. It has been hard, but he is a beautiful child and is taking on these challenges as well as he can.

Steven is very verbal. He speaks in phrases and can put words together to form sentences to tell you exactly what he wants and what he doesn’t. He is also very polite and charming, but he can be a pistol with me. I guess that’s what makes him a typical teenage boy.

I learned about Jill’s House many years ago through a friend on Steven’s T-ball team. I don’t know why it took me so long to inquire about it, but I’m so glad I finally did. I guess it’s because we as parents and guardians are so hesitant to send our special needs child into the care of someone else. We worry about our children and whether they will be all right or not. However, after observing Steven’s first weekend at the Rocky Top Weekend Adventures Camp, I wish I had enrolled him earlier!

Steven has now participated in the camp twice. As he was getting ready to go this last time, I heard him repeat to himself, “Make new friends.” As we arrived at the camp’s entrance, he rolled his window down and called out to his friends. It’s obvious that he loves the camp very much. When I picked him up at the end of the weekend, he went on and on about ziplining, water activities, and horseback riding. Yes, Steven went horseback riding! Who could have thought?


What I love the most about Jill’s House is that Steven can participate in various activities, and he is not made to feel limited in his ability. So many people are available to help each child experience all the activities, so if it was going to take 4 people to help Steven enjoy horseback riding, then that’s what they were going to do! One camp counselor told me, “Although Steven might forget about me, I will never forget about him.” In all honesty, I doubt Steven will ever forget how special the camp made him feel.

I suppose Steven would say that his favorite thing about camp is being able to see his friends. After all, being a special needs child can be very isolating; you can’t just run down the street and play with your friends. However, while at the camp, Steven gets to spend the entire weekend with his friends.

Since Steven is not my biological child, some people like to tell me just how good I am to be caring for him. What they don’t know is that he is the one who has been a blessing to me. He is a very special young man. I’m sure he would love to get up and run, but, unfortunately, that is never going to happen. I see him as a child sent by God, and I am committed to doing everything I possibly can for his sake.

Today, society has become more inclusive of kids and even adults with special needs by offering spaces for them to engage in a variety of activities; however, there is still a long way to go. Jill’s House does a beautiful job of helping these kids. I am so grateful for Jill’s House!

Thank you for making stories like Steven’s possible.

The Schaupner Family

Told by Lindsey & Daniel Schaupner

Having a child with special needs was not something for which we had prepared. When Alex was born and the doctor told us she had Down syndrome, we didn’t know what to expect. It was a scary time! Being a family with a special needs child. Well, that was for other families. But that quickly became our family, too!

After Alex was born, our doctor gave us resources for our family. We were able to access support almost right away and enroll her in early intervention services. My OB suggested that I reach out to Jill’s House for support as Alex grows older, which was the first time we had heard about Jill’s House.

When Alex was around 18 months old, she contracted RSV and had to be hospitalized for 10 days. She was in the RSV unit of the ICU, where there were several other children with Down syndrome. RSV greatly affects kids with Down syndrome, and we learned that we could no longer enroll her in daycare because she kept getting sick so often. The hospital staff provided our family with additional resources, and that’s when we heard about Jill’s House again.

Since we were no longer able to enroll Alex in daycare, we had au pairs live with us, which allowed our whole family, and especially Alex, to build strong relationships. Although she was not enrolled in daycare to learn social skills in that setting, she thrived at home with au pairs who truly embraced her.

We became close with one au pair and later traveled, as a family, to Germany so we could visit her. We do a lot of things as a family, and our trip to Germany was special. Alex doesn’t just go along for the ride. In many cases, she IS the ride! While in Germany, she was more enthralled with castles and food than with history. We all enjoyed that trip so much that we were able to cater our trip to meet the interests of Alex — German food and cool castles!

When Alex turned five years old, we began the process of enrolling her at Jill’s House. The intake process took some time, but we wanted to be sure she was ready by the time she was the right age to go. We had family friends whose children had been going to Jill’s House and loved it. We knew Alex would enjoy it as well, and we couldn’t wait for her first stay! Alex is now 10 years old and loves staying at Jill’s House. She can be herself, enjoy time with her peers, and get a break from us! We truly appreciate the break, but Alex also receives respite when she is at Jill’s House. Jill’s House is her thing, her domain, and a unique experience for her!

Alex currently spends about three-fourths of her school day in a typically developing classroom, which amazes us! We know that many years ago, kids like Alex would not have been afforded these types of opportunities. The fact that she can have relationships with typically-abled kids is such a blessing. When we watch Alex interact with her classmates, we see that they genuinely enjoy her company. They may not completely understand Alex, and Alex may not completely understand them, but they know how their friendship makes each other feel. We cherish these moments when she interacts with friends at school, in our neighborhood, and at Jill’s House.

After school, Alex often meets a friend, and every time they see each other, Alex says “I know that girl from Jill’s House!”. The connections and friendships established through Jill’s House have made such an impact on all of our lives!

According to the form that comes home with Alex after her stay at Jill’s House, her favorite activities are swinging on the playground swings and swimming in the indoor pool. However, she is beginning to understand how to participate in a conversation. When we asked her what she enjoyed during her stay at Jill’s House, she immediately shared the weekend menu. She loves the chicken nuggets and fries!

Alex is a joy! We are grateful that Jill’s House recognizes how special Alex is, as much as we do. We are incredibly grateful for Jill’s House, not just for our family but for other families like ours as well!

Thank you for making stories like Alex’s possible.

The Perez Family

Told by Coleen R. San Nicolas-Perez

The day Joaquin was born was one of the happiest days of my life. Holding my child for the first time filled me with indescribable joy. I gave birth to a darling, sweet, and perfect baby boy, and life at that moment was … well, it was blissfully perfect.

All the nesting I did beforehand, all the motherhood books I read, and all the stories I heard from moms of typical children did not prepare me to be the mother of my special son. Nothing really prepares you for that moment when a doctor sits you down and says the word “autism”.

Joaquin was almost 3 years old when he was diagnosed with autism. Before that, he was thriving, even excelling in some areas. He would easily match picture cards before the age of 2, and boy! he did babble nonstop while doing his best to articulate words. He could recite the alphabet and count to 100. More importantly, my dear son had a special sparkle in his eyes.

That began to change after his second birthday. He wouldn’t respond to his name, constantly walked around in small circles, and stopped making eye contact. What was heartbreaking was that he became very quiet—barely a whisper.

That sparkle in his eyes quickly disappeared. He was a shell of his former self, lost in a world I couldn’t penetrate as much as I wanted to.

It took many years of therapy, tests, school meetings, advocacy, prayers, and a lot of hard work on his part to get to where he is today.

He is considered non-verbal, although he does verbalize a handful of words. The popular word he says these days is “cheeseburger”, which is one of his favorite foods. He can write his name and trace other words. He knows how to make the sounds of many animals. I find it adorable, even today, when he says “moooo”. He can point at objects and usually says “that one”. He doesn’t read or write, but we know he is super smart.

Joaquin turns 17 soon. My little baby boy is no longer little and far from being a baby, but in many ways, he still is.

Several years ago, Joaquin was also diagnosed with intellectual disability. His IQ cannot be determined because he is unable to be evaluated using a standardized test. Even with modified tests, the data shows he is way below average in comparison to those of his age and those much younger than him.

Every year, we go through the data with his schoolteachers, and every year, I am left with an ache and void in my heart and soul. It is difficult to put into words how exactly it feels when educational professionals, across the table, basically tell me every year that my darling, sweet, perfect child is far behind where he needs to be. No parent wants to hear this, but many do.

My family’s story is not unique. As I write these words, I know there are thousands of moms and dads out there who are trying to do their best for their children with special needs. I also know that somewhere nearby, a mom is learning for the first time that her child is autistic. According to the CDC, 1 out of 36 kids are diagnosed with autism. That’s not a typo. 1 out of 36.

Data after data. Tests after tests. Results after results. This is a tough life. It is physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausting. This life has pushed me to the edge and will continue to do so. What keeps me and my husband going is and will always be Joaquin—our perfect child.

He is the sweetest young man you will ever meet. A gentle giant, many have said. When this boy loves, he does so with his whole heart and being. He is kind and respectful, and oh boy! Is he resilient? … more resilient than his independent, career-oriented mommy, that’s for sure.

He enjoys going to school and being with his classmates and teachers. He is all smiles and hugs when I pick him up after school, probably because we often grab a yummy treat on the way home.

Joaquin can also be impatient, vocal, and demanding, which he gets from me. As for his sunny disposition and good looks, he gets that from his daddy who happens to be my childhood friend and husband for 25 years.

As hard as this life may be, I would not want to be on any other journey. I am absolutely in love with my autism family.

Not only are we an autism family, but we are also a Jill’s House family. We joined Jill’s House a few years ago. In the beginning, I was very reluctant and nervous for my non-verbal son to spend a couple of nights under the supervision of strangers.

The first time he went to Jill’s House Blue Ridge camp, I was convinced the staff and volunteers would call me in the middle of the night to pick him up. There was no way he would want to stay. Plus, there was no way the Jill’s House staff would take care of him the way he needed to be cared for.

I was wrong. I was completely and utterly wrong.

That first weekend, the Jill’s House team never called. They did, however, texted me a few photos of Joaquin to reassure me that he was doing fine. He was more than fine. The pictures showed him smiling, laughing, and having as much fun at camp as he should, as any teenager should.

Fast forward to today, Joaquin now walks into camp as if he owns the place. If I could read his mind, I am pretty sure he says, “Hey, sup fam!” to every Jill’s House staff member and volunteer as he settles in for a fun, safe, and positive weekend.

Jill’s House is a place of “rest, renewal, and relationships for kids with intellectual disabilities and their families.” For me and my family, Jill’s House is also about saving lives, because that’s what they do. The founders, staff, board members, fellows, volunteers, sponsors, and contributors of Jill’s House save lives … and they bring life back into families.

Note: Coleen R. San Nicolas-Perez is employed with the Department of the Navy. The opinions stated in this editorial do not reflect that of nor is an endorsement by the U.S. Navy.

Thank you for making stories like Joaquin’s possible.

The Ver Hage Family

Told by Kristy and Rich Ver Hage

Shane was born in 2010 and before his first 2nd birthday, he was diagnosed with Autism. Shane is now 12 years old, and such a great kid!

Recently, Jill’s House Weekend Adventure Camp came to our area, and it has made us and Shane so happy.

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit in 2020, his world stopped, just like everyone else’s. Around the time things started opening back up, he fell sick with Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome (PANS). In 2021, he didn’t feel well, developed brain inflammation, and started having seizures; his behavior had changed completely. Almost overnight, he went from being an active kid to not being able to walk for even five minutes without pain. It was such a shock to witness how aggressive PANS was, and how quickly it had taken control over his body.

We worked with our doctors for a long time to diagnose his condition and identify the right treatment for him. He feels much better now, and we are working really hard to help him regain his strength and energy. Due to PANS, he developed anxiety, so the Weekend Adventure Camp was very important for him! We were nervous about taking him to camp, but when we saw that volunteers who were part of our church were also going to be there with him, it put us at ease.

As much as we needed the weekend, he needed camp even more. We were so happy to learn that he climbed the rock wall! The encouragement and cheers he received motivated him, and he made it all the way to the top. He was so proud of himself for that accomplishment.

Shane attends a wonderful school, and he participates in a special needs Sunday School class at church. His world is pretty small. We know that he wants independence, but it’s hard. When he was at camp, he was independent and could do what a typically abled 12-year-old kid gets to do.

When it was time to pick Shane up on Sunday afternoon, we were so emotional and happy to see him. He was happy to see us, too. During camp, he received love, attention, and care. It was a truly special time.

Having a child with special needs is often a journey where you feel alone. We are very grateful to the many people who spent their weekend with Shane so that we could feel human again. It was amazing and a real blessing.

Shane kept saying, “I want camp,” for many days after the weekend. He has also taken on a new love of rock climbing, which we get to enjoy at a local indoor rock-climbing gym. We are so grateful for Jill’s House and look forward to many years of more weekend camp experiences. Thank you, Jill’s House, for coming to New Jersey!

Thank you for making stories like Shane’s possible.

The Edelbrock Family

Told by Laura Edelbrock

Before Emma was born, my husband and I both had full-time careers in music. I was a high school music teacher, and he had served with the US Army Band for 35 years. Then in 2000, God gave us Emma! We knew before she was born that she would have Down syndrome, and when she reached puberty, we learned that she was autistic as well. We moved from a lifestyle of practice, performance, and perfection to this lovely life we now have with Emma, which we like to call the real life!


When I was six months pregnant, we found out that Emma would be delivered in this beautiful package, and for the next three months we embarked on a journey to prepare our lives and our hearts for her. But we spent many sleepless nights worrying about the future of our family. One such night, when I just couldn’t seem to fall asleep, I decided to read the Bible, knowing that was where I would find the comfort my heart longed for. I was reading a passage in Luke about the two disciples on the road to Emmaus. This was a story I had read often, but that night, I heard God’s voice clearly speaking to me.

The two disciples were talking to each other, despondent, when they were met by a stranger. The stranger asked them, “So, what are you talking about?” They simply responded, “We had hoped for something different.” I had to stop reading. That was us! We had hoped for something very different with our pregnancy and with our family. But then as I continued to read the story, I was reminded that the stranger on the road was the risen Christ. Jesus had come for the brokenhearted. He had come for us! My heart cried out, and I started weeping. I looked down at the Bible, my vision so blurry that I couldn’t even make out the heading of the section I had just read—“On the Road to Emmaus.” Through my tears, I saw the word “Emmaus” split into “Emma” and “us.” God had given us her name, and I knew in that moment that we were exactly where we were supposed to be.

Emma was born on a beautiful snowy day. We could feel the peace around us, and on our ride home from the hospital, we felt the need to stop at our church, where we found our pastor in his office. We had been surrounded with love and understanding during our pregnancy, and that afternoon, with our pastor, we dedicated Emma and our life to the Lord.

We knew that from that moment on our lives would be radically different, and for 23 years, God has not stopped writing our story into a memorable tale.

Emma started attending Jill’s House in 2014, but it took us a long time to get to that point. In my mind, I thought Jill’s House was for families who had children with different needs than ours. However, as Emma approached puberty and we began facing new challenges, we were encouraged to reconsider Jill’s House. Not just for Emma but for us!

We cautiously moved forward with our decision. Our intake meetings were successful, but we were unsure how Emma would respond to staying overnight in a new place, away from us. We worked with our intake team to create a “social story” of Jill’s House on her iPad, uploading pictures and videos of the different rooms at Jill’s House and then inserting her own picture into those rooms. The story helped us introduce her to Jill’s House and all the activities she would participate in while staying there.


When Emma’s first visit arrived, we still weren’t sure how her time away from us would pan out. Would we get a call in an hour or late at night? We never received a call, and when we picked her up at the end of the weekend, she was so happy. The staff kept thanking us for allowing them to spend the weekend with her! After a few more overnight stays at Jill’s House, she would barely wait for the car to come to a complete stop before jumping out and running into the building.

The blessing of Jill’s House goes far beyond Emma’s overnight stays—they continue in the form of family retreats, Bible studies, women’s retreats, and marriage retreats. Now that Emma is 23 years old and out of school, we have established relationships with other parents who are in the same situation as we are. We encourage one another and share resources.

Emma is nonverbal, but she is incredibly expressive, so daily maintenance can get busy and jumbled. That’s where Jill’s House blesses us the most! God led us to Jill’s House—a place that lets Emma do what she loves the most while allowing us the time to rest. She would return to a quiet and peaceful home, and rejuvenated, we would be able to completely dedicate our time to her.

Our story took a big turn, but God was so good to prepare us for it, and he continues to keep us close. Emma is such a blessing to our family and to others around us, and through Emma, we have been blessed by Jill’s House.

Thank you for making stories like Emma’s possible.

The Edwards Family

Told by Cathy Edwards

Keith is the youngest of our six grown children. We are blessed to have four grandchildren, with one more on the way. Every day, we are grateful for the ways God has shown his love for us, through our family.

When Keith was born, I could feel the grace and patience of Jesus’s love for him in my soul. Keith was born with Down syndrome and autism; but we all knew that Keith was God’s perfect plan. He is now 21 years old and has been attending Jill’s House since 2010. If Jill’s House had not been part of our lives for all these years, it’s hard to imagine how things would’ve been.

Keith’s first weekend stay at Jill’s House was two months after it had opened, in 2010, when he was 11 years old. We were so nervous, as we had never before considered the idea of respite or our child staying away from home overnight. But I’ll never forget the look on his face when we were driving home after the first weekend. He appeared to be in a kind of dream state, as if he were replaying the whole weekend in his mind. It was almost as if he couldn’t believe it was real; maybe he was wondering if it was going to happen again. He was quiet. And this type of behavior wasn’t typical for him; so I knew, at that moment, that Jill’s House was really something special.

Between each visit, Keith would mark the days on the calendar until his next visit. He had been going to Jill’s House for about a year, when we began noticing how comfortable he was. He would walk into the building and say, “POD two, please!” He was so at ease that it was almost as if he were checking into a hotel.

Though Jill’s House has mostly been for Keith’s benefit, it feels like God has used Keith and Jill’s House to impact the whole family!

After observing Keith at Jill’s House, our middle daughter applied to be a volunteer there. Later, she took a staff position. She said that she had never worked at a place where people just loved to be there. She had once considered going into Nutrition. But, observing Keith at Jill’s House and being on the team as a volunteer and an employee changed her heart, and consequently her career path. When you witness people come forward to help fund a cause or help serve, it replaces fear with love. It inspires you to step up and do the same. We feel that there is no other place in the world for families like ours. Our daughter is now a Special Education Teacher.

When Keith was younger and we were attending the McLean Bible Church (MBC), we were excited about Jill’s House opening in the community. Before that, Keith would participate in the Access Ministry at the church, while we would attend the worship service. It was during that time when our faith in God’s sovereign plan was really nurtured. We were attending the MBC, so Keith could participate in the Access Ministry. However, we believe that God provided a space for Keith, so my husband would return to church. It was while we were attending the MBC that my husband accepted Jesus as his savior.

God’s plan, for our lives, is always greater than our plan!

While we feel very fortunate that Keith has had all this time at Jill’s House, we also feel sad that he will be aging out of the program in a few months. Our dream is that Jill’s House continues to help families, even as kids grow into adulthood. Jill’s House brings such joy and comfort to families!

Keith loves interacting with people, using technology, and making people laugh. He loves kids and will be assisting us as we develop a Special Needs Ministry, at our new church. We are excited to see how God uses Keith to bless others in the future!

God’s plan is always greater than anything we could possibly dream of, and God’s grace is always sufficient.

Thank you for making stories like Keith’s possible.

The Winiecki Family

Told by Jennifer and Scott Winiecki

Our daughter Wendy has such a funny sense of humor! She is entertaining and very interesting, but she is hard to get to know because she is nonverbal. Well, she’s not completely nonverbal. She does say one word, “Mom”. Wendy also knows about 6-10 words in sign language. Of the few words that Wendy signs, she will sign “dog” when she sees a dog. Well, one day we were sitting together, and we asked Wendy, “Who is this?” as we pointed to her mom. Wendy said “Mom”. Then we asked Wendy, “Who is this?” as we pointed to me, her dad. Wendy smiled at me and since she is unable to say the word Dad, she signed a word. The word she signed was “dog”. Wendy laughed and laughed at her joke.


Since Wendy is nonverbal it is hard to see what is going on unless you pay attention, which is why we love Jill’s House so much! Wendy’s Direct Support Professionals are always paying attention to her. Wendy would probably say her favorite thing about Jill’s House is that she gets her own personal friend for the weekend; a friend who plays with her goes to the different rooms with her and spends time with her. It’s a special time for Wendy!

Our family lives north of Baltimore, so we are only able to participate in Jill’s House Weekend Program. We would love to participate in Jill’s House Moms or Jill’s House Dads events, but we are just too far. But what we can participate in is so worth it!

When it is a Jill’s House weekend, we have learned to pack her suitcase while Wendy is at school. We pick her up from school and drive directly to Jill’s House. It might take us 2-3 hours to get there on a Friday afternoon, but she is so happy to learn that it’s a “Jill’s Weekend” she will sing the entire way. Even though we can’t make out the words she is singing, we know it is a very joyful tune. On Sunday when we pick her up, she is happy to see us, but there is no comparison to the joy she shows on Friday when we are dropping her off.

I am the secretary for the PTA at Wendy’s school and oversee the emails that are directed to the Board. About 8 years ago, a new family had moved into our community and had asked if any places offered respite. The President said that the family should contact Jill’s House. I had never heard of Jill’s House at that time, so I decided to look into it as well. We took a tour and fell in love with it! Wendy was about 5 years old at this time, so we got her on the waiting list so she could go when she turned 6 years old. She’s been going to Jill’s House ever since!


While Wendy is at Jill’s House, we enjoy doing activities with our 16-year-old daughter. We may choose to travel out of town, stay home and watch a movie at night, or simply sleep in. Our whole family is very active, and we are always together, but we also know that our activities can get boring for Wendy. Jill’s House is a break in our routine and very exciting for her!

Wendy has an iPad with a communication app called Proloquo2go. The app came with basic buttons for Wendy to communicate with us, and we have logged in to customize buttons for family members, school, and vacations. We have a whole page dedicated to Jill’s House!

In 2020 we went on a Jill’s House Family Retreat. We all had a great time! The Jill’s House shuttle bus was there, and since Wendy loves buses, we would often visit the bus throughout the weekend. I took a picture of the logo on the bus, and that is the picture we use on her iPad button for Jill’s House.

We know a lot of families with children who are medically fragile, families whose caregivers are battling sickness, and even some families who have lost their children. Some of these families, we know very well. And while they are waking up every morning in what can seem like really difficult circumstances, they still get up each morning. It’s so good to have perspective. So, we have a family motto. “Get up and do it anyway!” It might be hard, and the days might be long. But we only have one choice. So, get up and do it anyway.

What we want for Wendy are meaningful days, and that’s what Jill’s House does for her. We know that Jill’s House focuses on giving the kids like Wendy meaningful days.

Thank you for making stories like Wendy’s possible.

The King Family

Baby Simon - Jill's House Stories

Meet baby Simon

Meet Simon and Family

“From the moment my son, Simon, was born, I felt like God had been preparing my family for Jill’s House.

Peter and I are longtime attendees of McLean Bible Church and participated in fundraising events to build Jill’s House. This was before we had children. We attended fundraising banquets and Peter participated in a marathon to raise funds for Jill’s House. I was pregnant with our first child at that time, and we were excited about Jill’s House coming to the community. While we were supporting Jill’s House financially, we did not know God was preparing us to experience Jill’s House firsthand!

Young Simon

Young Simon

Fast forward several years, and the organization we grew to love and support, is now a respite for our own family and a safe haven for our son, Simon.”

“When I was pregnant with Simon, the pregnancy progressed as expected, however, toward the end, the pregnancy changed quickly. Simon appeared to be in distress, and as a result of an emergency C-section, was born 5 ½ weeks early. Shortly after delivery, we were shocked when the doctor told us Simon had physical features consistent with Down Syndrome. The room became still and quiet. The doctor peeked over the curtain at me and I said, “He is my son, and I will love him forever!” I knew in that moment God had given him to me, to us, to our family; we trusted in the promise that God works all things together for His good. A few days following Simon’s delivery, I read in the birth file, “Mother has accepted child.”

King Family Skiing

When Simon was born, he had significant respiratory issues and remained in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) for 5 weeks. When we finally brought him home, we adjusted to life with our fourth child. In addition to the typical needs of an infant, we initially focused on managing Simon’s medical needs: numerous specialist appointments, medications, speech therapy, occupational therapy, and physical therapy. Over time, as his medical needs stabilized, and he developed physically and cognitively, it became apparent that he required constant supervision to keep him safe. The amount of supervision Simon required exhausted Peter and I and left us with little energy for each other, or for our other 5 children, ages 3-12.”

“Simon is now 7 years old and is extremely active. He enjoys playing outside, swimming, going to the beach, and building with Legos. In addition, he plays Challenger Baseball, which is for children with differing abilities, and participates on the neighborhood swim team. This fall he trying football, too. Regular physical activity is essential for Simon!”

Meet Simon King

Meet Simon King

“We enrolled Simon at Jill’s House when he turned 6, and this past Spring, he had his first day camp and overnight experience. The timing was perfect; we were physically exhausted from his high level of activity, coupled with mental exhaustion due to a constant fear of elopement. We were discouraged by our limited options for respite.

During Simon’s first overnight at Jill’s House, we took our other children to a Japanese steakhouse for dinner. Since Simon’s initial camp and overnight stay, he has participated in school weeknights stays, summer camp, and another weekend stay at Jill’s House. Jill’s House has revolutionized our life! When Simon is at Jill’s House, we know he has a blast participating in activities he loves, and we can spend more focused time with each other, and our other children.”

Simon King

“I joined the Jill’s House Moms Community Bible Study, and my husband participates in the Jill’s House Dads gatherings. Other Jill’s House moms have been an encouragement to me. On the weekend retreat, one insightful mom shared that we live our life forward and understand it backwards. Looking back on our life with Simon, I can see how God has guided us through each and every day. God has never let go of our family.

Because of Jill’s House, our church, and local community, we have established relationships that love and support our family. We are eternally grateful to be part of the Jill’s House family.”

Thank you for making stories like Simon’s possible.